You Squarerd Lesson 1
This 4-week class is based on the book You Squared; A High Velocity Formula for Multiplying Your Personal Effectiveness in Quantum Leaps by Price Pritchett.
This little book packs a powerful punch. Stop beating your head against the wall and take that quantum leap in your business, relationships, all areas of your life!
We'll take a deeper dive into the invisible laws that we can harness to create a better life.
The book isn't required for the class. I include the quotes I use in the lessons.
Lesson 1
In this first lesson of You Squared, we will be exploring the concept of taking a "quantum leap" to rapidly multiply your personal and professional growth. We'll discuss how to change your limiting rules and beliefs around achievement in order to expand your capacity. Key principles like quitting the habit of trying harder, ignoring conventional approaches, and thinking beyond common sense will be covered. Our goal is to break free of self-imposed constraints so you can envision possibilities previously unfathomable.
- Understand the metaphor of a "quantum leap"
- Identify limiting personal rules and beliefs
- Practice shifting gears when hitting obstacles
- Explore asking calibrated questions to find elegant solutions
- Learn to think bigger using 3-5 year visions
- Discuss ways to forfeit limiting mindsets and surrender to growth
- Recognize when you are trapped in "trying harder"
- Take initial steps outside comfort zone toward the unknown
- Increase awareness around areas for personal expansion
Mentioned in this episode:
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