You Squared Lesson 3
In this third lesson of You Squared, we continue building momentum towards exponential growth through key principles like trusting the power of pursuit, making friends with failure, getting uncomfortable, and opening our gifts. We'll explore why action is crucial for realizing dreams and how to reframe failures as learning opportunities. Managing the unease of uncertainty and discovering unseen assets will also be covered. Our focus is on boldly expanding comfort zones, pursuing dreams despite fears, and unwrapping our unique talents to offer the world.
You Squared Lesson 3 Objectives
- Understand why action/pursuit is essential for quantum leaps.
- Practice reframing failure as necessary for growth.
- Strengthen capacity to tolerate uncertainty and chaos.
- Identify paradigms triggered when taking new risks.
- Learn techniques to access untapped personal assets.
- Determine gaps between competencies and genius zones.
- Explore managing inner tensions on the hero's journey.
- Increase commitment to stay the course despite doubts.
- Hone awareness of inner resources available to be developed.
Mentioned in this episode:
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